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Are you tired of battling stubborn brown or gray patches on your skin caused by melasma?

At Sthita's Aestthetics, we understand the impact that melasma can have on your confidence and overall well-being. That's why we offer a comprehensive range of treatment options tailored to your unique needs, helping you achieve a brighter, more even complexion.

DPI-Skillz multipurpose

Understanding Melasma:

Melasma is a common skin condition characterized by the development of hyperpigmented patches, most often on the face. These patches can be triggered by various factors, including sun exposure, hormonal changes, and genetic predisposition. The severity of melasma can vary, which is why our approach is customized to each individual's skin.

Our Melasma Treatment Options

Poly Hydroxy Acid (PHA) Treatments
Lumecca IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)
Cosmelan Depigmentation Peel

Checkout our Melasma treatments & packages

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Melasma treatment at Sthita's Aestthetics

At Sthita's Aestthetics, we recognize that melasma treatment isn't one-size-fits-all. Our experienced Aesthetician will assess the grade and underlying causes of your melasma to create a tailored skincare regimen. This may include a combination of the treatments mentioned above, as well as:

Don't let melasma control your life and confidence. Take the first step towards brighter, healthier skin by scheduling a consultation at Sthita's Aestthetics. Our team will assess your condition, discuss your goals, and create a customized treatment plan designed just for you.

Rediscover your natural radiance with Sthita's Aestthetics.
Contact us today to embark on your journey to melasma-free skin.